Unlock Your Future with
Education in the USA
Explore world-class universities and cutting-edge opportunities. Shape your career with degrees from top-tier American institutions. Book an appionment
Study in the UK - Where
Tradition Meets Innovation
Dive into a legacy of academic excellence with modern perspectives. Gain a globally recognized education in the heart of history and culture. Book an appionment
Study in Italy - Excellence in
Education and Culture
Be inspired by the beauty and history while earning your degree. Blend your studies with Italian culture, art, and innovation. Book an appionment

Get Settled

Cosmos Study provides affordable planning services to help you settle into your higher studies.

Learn English

Cosmos Study offers low-cost planning for your English learning journey as part of your higher education.

Find Work

Cosmos Study helps with cost-effective planning to find work opportunities during your higher studies.


Cosmos Study supports creative solutions with affordable planning for your higher education journey.
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We are Cosmos Study

Single-minded focus & hard work lead to desired job in just one year

We are now at Cosmos Study is proud of the fact that around 3.5 million lives are part of our family. It gives us a sense of immense pleasure, while we realize the
responsibility at the same time.

Save money – we help protect you from non-compliance issues.
Grow – you keep your focus on increasing revenue.

The fields on which we give servies

Immigrant Visas

Save up to 10% when you insure your property & autos with company.

Working Visa

Drive down your rates with car insurance discounts and premium reductions.

Medical Visa

Help protect lost income, pay for higher education, and cover.

Student Visa

Drive down your rates with car insurance discounts and premium reductions.

Tourist Visa

Drive down your rates with car insurance discounts and premium reductions.

Business Visa

Drive down your rates with car insurance discounts and premium reductions.
Grab your opportunity today!

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Phone: +(880) 18 4428 77701
Email: info@cosmosstudy.com
Address: Pallabi, Mirpur-12 Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880) 18 4428 77701
Email: info@cosmosstudy.com
Address: Pallabi, Mirpur-12 Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880) 18 4428 77701
Email: info@cosmosstudy.com
Address: Pallabi, Mirpur-12 Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880) 18 4428 77701
Email: info@cosmosstudy.com
Address: Pallabi, Mirpur-12 Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880) 18 4428 77701
Email: info@cosmosstudy.com
Address: Pallabi, Mirpur-12 Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880) 18 4428 77701
Email: info@cosmosstudy.com
Address: Pallabi, Mirpur-12 Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Phone: +(880) 18 4428 77701
Email: info@cosmosstudy.com
Address: Pallabi, Mirpur-12 Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh

A Better World Through Education

The team of Cosmos Study, led by professionals in international education, digital and online learning, and enlisting and admitting international students in a variety of educational markets, is what makes the organization successful.

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